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HOST41.SLC and H41UTILS.SLC are SALT language scripts compiled to
run under the TELIX.EXE (C) telecommunications program.
H O S T 4 1 / H 4 1 U T I L S
This program is distributed under the Shareware concept.
Non-Registered users of HOST41 are granted a limited license to
use it for a 4 week trial period, in order to determine it's
usefulness to you. ANY other use of HOST41 after that period is
strictly prohibited.
* Registration allows you to use HOST41 on a regular basis.
* Registered users will receive mailed notification of updates
to the program.
* Registered users will also receive top priority in any help
or comments they have/need.
* Registered users receive copies of program which has the
"UNREGISTERED" statement removed and replaced with one which
says "REGISTERED TO:" and which gives their names.
* Registered copies of HOST41 have the limit on messages and
files raised from 25 (current limit on UNREGISTERED versions
of HOST41) to a higher limit of 99 messages and 999 files.
* Registered users receive two additional support programs:
H41UEDIT.EXE : A true full-screen external user editor allows
editing of ALL user information, as well as
easy addition of new users.
MENUEDIT.EXE : A full-screen Menu Editing program which allows
Reading and Writing to each specific menu. Thus
enabling the sysop to personalize the different
Registration is $20.00 and covers all of the above features.
To Order:
Make check or money order out to:
Daniel Horn
2122 West Butler Drive #161
Phoenix, AZ 85021
Please send:
HOST41 Registration .............. $ 20.00 _____
{ Print }
Name :______________________________________________________
Day Phone:(____)______-_______ Evening:(____)______-_______
Current version I have ______
{ Optional }
Computer Type:________________________________________________
Color display [Y/N]: __
Where did you hear about (and/or receive a copy of) HOST41?
{ } BBS Name______________________ Ph #(____)______-_______
{ } Sig Name________________________________________________
{ } CompuServe
{ } Friend
{ } Other ____________________________________________________
This program evolved from the original HOST.SLC/HCONFIG.SLC
programs, and then the later revisions by Jon Flemming found in
HOST3 was written as a sort of pet project of mine, in order
to enhance the HOST2.SLC program, written by Jon Flemming. I felt
that although he had made some superb changes to Colin's original
HOST.SLC, there was SO much more that could be done to make the
program even better. So, I began working on it. And this is
what I have come up with so far...hope you enjoy it!
These are the files needed to run the HOST41 program. Some
of these will be created as needed, as well some of them are only
HOST41.SLC - Main Host Mode file, must be in your telix
script directory.
H41UTILS.SLC - Utilities script, it contains all of the
utilities. It is called by the HOST3.SLC
program. It should also be in your telix
script directory. Do not try to run this by
MENUS41.DAT - This is the file which contains all of the
menus for each of the levels as well as the
H41COMP.EXE - This is the file which does all the data file
compression. It can be run via DOS and the
command line, or internally using the provided
the provided user interfaces.
(see section entitled "Data File Compression")
USER41.DAT - This is the file that holds all of the user
information, it is created by HOST41.SLC. It
will be created in your telix directory.
(See section on CONVERT)
HOST41.LOG - This file is created by the HOST31 program, it
is a log of all user logon's, and what each one
[ user ] does when on the system. It will be
created in your telix directory.
HCONVERT.EXE - This program will allow you to convert your
HOST3 or HOST31 user data files into the new
HOST41 data format.
GATEWAY2.SYS - This is the program which can control the I/O
during the time when a user shell's to DOS,
as well as when they view an archive. This
file should be in your root directory.
(see the section entitled "OPTIONAL EXTERNAL
FILES" for more information)
*.ASC/*.ANS - There are eight text files that are only truly
optional. These files will need to be in your
telix directory, if you are going to be using
HSHELL.BAT - This batch file if in the Telix directory will
be run automatically if the shell to DOS option
has been executed from the Main Menu.
(see section entitled "OPTIONAL EXTERNAL FILES"
for more information)
BLTS41.DAT - This is a pure ASCII data file which (if used),
contains information regarding the text files
which are to be used as bulletins.
(see section entitled "OPTIONAL EXTERNAL FILES"
for more information regarding format)
DOORWAY.EXE - This fine program by Marshall Dudley, if in
the Telix directory, will be used in the shell
to DOS unless overridden by the existence of
(see section entitled "OPTIONAL EXTERNAL FILES
" for more information)
This is really a very easy program to install. Below are
some step by step instructions on installing it:
1) Put the HOST41.SLC/H41UTILS.SLC files into your Telix
script directory. (See Telix docs on setting a default
script directory.)
2) Run Telix, and then when in Telix run the HOST41 script.
(ALT-G, then type in HOST41). HOST41 will search for the
configuration file, and then will automatically run the
H41UTILS.SLC program. Input all the variables needed in
the program and then choose the "X" (Exit and Save). See
the section "H41UTILS ( The Configuration Program )" for
more detail on the configuration of HOST41.
There are four access levels in this program. This section
will describe what each level can do.
Level 0: This is the level of a new user that logs on, he/she can
not do much of anything on the board, except to chat,
leave a comment to sysop, or to change their defaults.
Optionally, the Sysop can have them logged off once they
have input all of the information.
Level 1: This is your basic user level. The user can do most
of the things available (except for a few things below),
but there are a few limits placed on the user. For one,
the user can only download a certain limit per call, (as
specified in the configuration. As well they can only
download from the download directory, and can NOT use
the extract archives command.
Level 2: This user is the same as the level 1 user, but does not
have a download limit, and can use the extract archives
Level 3: This user can not only do all the Level 2 user can, but
can also download files from ANY directory on your disk,
they can also look at the daily user log, and can do a
"Shell to DOS" IF they know the system password. (Which
is defined in the configuration program).
Level 4: Your basic Sysop level. Currently this level can do the
exact same thing as the Level 3 user with one addition.
Having this level gives the user the option of shutting
down the system remotely, I would reserve this level for
yourself (the sysop) only, but if you have a extremely
good friend...well, that's up to you.
This is a list of all user commands, and what each can do.
It is separated into sections by levels, each higher level can
do what the previous can do.
Level 0
[P]age: If the sysop is available, this command will ring a bell
calling you to chat, otherwise it will print a message
saying that the sysop isn't available, then the user has
the option of leaving a private message to you.
[X]pert: This function allows the user to change his expertise
level, to one of three levels:
NOVICE: Gives a menu of commands.
INTERMEDIATE: Gives the command letters as part of
the input line.
EXPERT: NO help whatsoever!
[G]oodbye: Log's the user off.
[Y]our Defaults: Lets the user change their address, city, zip,
state, choose a default protocol, and turn the
pause function on or off.
[C]omments to Sysop: This option will allow the user to write a
private message to the sysop.
(assumes there is a user using the name of
Level 1
[B]ulletins: This option goes to the bulletins menu which allows
the user to read them (if any)
[M]essage Base: This option allows the user to go to the message
base system. Following is a list of commands
available to them in the message base.
[R]ead Messages: This allows the user to read the messages in the
the message base.
[W]rite Messages: This allows the user to write a message to a
user (either Public or Private).
[Q]uit to Main Menu: This allows the user to go back to the main
[F]ile System: This option allows the user to go to the File Base
System. Following is a list of commands available
to them in the File Base.
[D]ownload: Let's the user Download files. Level 1 can only
download a specified limit. Levels 3+ can download
from ANY directory.
[U]pload: Allows user to upload a file (if it is not already in
the file database) to the system.
[F]iles List: This shows the user a listing of the files which
are available at their level.
[X]tended File List: This allows the user to see a listing of the
files available at his level, but includes
the uploader, aprox. time for transfer, and
[T]ype Text File: Types a text file out to the screen, pause can
be turned on or off in the user defaults, as
well, hitting Ctrl-P will pause, and Ctrl-X
will abort the listing at any time. Levels 3+
can type files in ANY directory.
[V]iew Archive: Lets the user view a archive. Levels 3+ can view
archives in ANY directory.
[Q]uit to Main Menu: This allows the user to go back to the main
Level 2
File Base System Commands:
[E]xtract from archives: This lets the user extract files
from a archive, the file is then
archived (using PKZIP), into a temp
file called ( TEMPARC.ZIP ), it is
deleted when the user hangs up
Level 3
[S]hell to DOS: This lets the user shell to DOS. If the user is
remote (not keyboard) then they will be prompted
for the system password, if they fail to enter
it they will not be able to shell.
IMPORTANT!!!!: There is NO current way to check on the status of
the carrier. Due to this fact, if the carrier is
lost while a user is in DOS (via remote) then the
SYSTEM WILL HANG!. The only solution if this is
to happen is to reboot the computer.
System [L]og: This shows the user the daily usage log, hit Ctrl-
P to pause, Ctrl-X to abort.
Message Base Commands:
[K]ill Messages: This allows the user (level 3+) to 'Kill' a
message. Level 3 can only remove ones to
or from him (or her), while Level 4 can
remove ANY message.
File Base Commands:
[R]emove File: This allows the user (level 3+) to remove a
file from the database.
[C]hange File: This allows the user (level 3+) to change
the file information in the database.
Level 4
Control-Z: This lets the user shut down the system. The user is
is prompted for the system password, if they fail the
program will continue running.
Message Base Commands:
[P]ack Database: This allows the user (level 4 only) to do a
pack of the message base (it is a interface
to the H41COMP.EXE program).
File Base Commands:
[P]ack Database: This allows the user (level 4 only) to do a
pack of the file base (it is a interface
to the H41COMP.EXE program).
This is a list of the commands available to the sysop, not
all commands are available at all times.
F1: This turns chat on or off, the line in the status box shows
the current condition of chat. (If chat is turned off during
the Chat hours, then the "OFF" will be in red).
(See "H31UTILS (The Configuration Program)" for more detail
on Chat Hours).
F2: This brings up the user editor, note that there must be at
least ONE user, otherwise the user editor will NOT work.
(See "H31UTILS (The User Editor)"for more information on the
user editor)
C: This runs the configuration program.
U: This will run the user compressor program, this will delete
any old or deleted users. NOTE: There must be at least one
user in the user file, or the compressor will not run.
HOME: This brings up a box giving all the online commands.
ESC: This will exit the program and go back to Telix.
F1: Turn chat on or off (same as above)
F2: Run user editor (same as above)
F3: Temporarily lower the users access.
F4: Temporarily raise the users access.
F5: Temporarily lower the time allowed.
F6: Temporarily raise the time allowed.
F9: Shell to DOS (the user can not see)
F10: Chat with user.
END: Terminate user.
ESC: Exit program to Telix.
HOME: Bring up the help box.
(The configuration program)
This program will allow you to change some important data in
the HOST3 program. This section will tell what each category is
NOTE: The options in the section "Page 2" are all located on a
separate page in the configuration program. They can be
accessed by pressing PgDn. Once in the second page you may
return to the first page by hitting PgUp.
Page 1
Download directory: This is the directory that the users will be
downloading from. It will be a sub-directory
of your Telix directory. If it is not a legal
directory (doesn't exist) it will be created.
Upload directory: This is the directory that all uploads will go
into. It will also be a sub-directory and will
created if it does not exist.
Connection: This is how your computer will be connected. Usually
it will be MODEM(unless you plan to run on a network)
System Password: This is the password that is needed to shut down
the system, or to shell to DOS.
Archive Directory: This is the directory that your archive utils.
are found in. It must be a EXACT directory
or the program will NOT be able to do anything
dealing with archives (VIEW/TEST/EXTRACT), the
program will support (ARC/PAK/ZIP), but there
must be these files.
For *.ARC's:
For *.ZIP's:
For *.PAK's:
(must have these commands!)
View: "V"
Test: "T"
Extract: "X"
Access limit: This is the limit (in K's!) that a level 1 user can
download per call.
Time Chat is to come on: This is the time that you would like the
"Chatting times" to start at. Chat will
come on (regardless of current setting),
at this time, and will stay on (UNLESS
shutoff manually, if done, the "OFF" in
the status box will turn red), and will
go off at the off time.
Time Chat is to go off: This is the time that you would like the
"Chatting times" to end at.
(NOTE: Due to problems with some logic statements, the
Chatting times can NOT extend over midnight. You
may have chat on until 11:59pm, and can have it
come on at 12:01am. As well, it is not possible
to have chat on for more then 12 hours.)
Page 2
Log off new users: This (if on) will immediately log off any new
users as soon as they finish logging on. This
allows you to keep new users off the system
completely until you can validate them.
Number of Downloads: This is the number of downloads (per one
upload) a user can make. If they attempt
to download more then they can then they
will be told they need to upload more.
User log on alarm: This is a little alarm that (if on) will ring
when a user logs on.
Time per access level: This is a integer (in minutes) which is
given to a user, per access level. For
example, if it was 20, a 2nd level user
would be given 40 mins, while a 3rd level
user would get 60 mins.
Level of Uploads: This is the access level that a uploaded file
would be given once received. If it is set to
a 1 then all access levels can see it. If set
to 3 then only access levels of 3 and 4 could
see it. This can be changed by changing its
level via the "Change File" option in the file
Auto Baud Detect: This controls the auto baud detect of the BBS.
If ON, the BBS will change the modem to the
speed of the connection. If OFF it will leave
the modem to change on it's own. This option
is primarily for high speed modems or for ones
which have error correction modes where the
port speed should remain constant.
Configure Colors: This option allows the sysop to change the BBS
side (NOT ANSI Colors!) colors, ie. the status
bar colors/config option colors etc.
(The User Editor)
This is the User Editor. This will allow you to change some
information about the user. There are two sections in this part.
One is about the different functions in the Editor, the other is
about the different immediately.
There are some special keys in the Editor that will move you
Up Arrow : This will move you up one category
Down Arrow : This will move you down one category
Page Up : This moves you to the top of the categories
Page Down : This moves you to the end of the categories
Left Arrow : This moves you to the next user
Right Arrow: This moves you to the previous user
Control - V: This will take you to the next NEW user
Control - S: This will initiate a search through the users
names for a string (input by you)
Users Name: This is the users name
Users Password: This is the users password
Users Access: This is the users access level
Users Flag: This is the users status flag, A is Active, D is
Delete, and B is Blacklist.
Users Phone: This is the users phone number
Users Address: This is the users address, it is divided into
four parts. The Address, City, State, and
Zip code
User Comment: This is a place to put a comment in
Last on: This shows when the user was last on
Downloads: This shows how many downloads the user has made
Uploads: This shows how many uploads the user has made
NOTE: There must be at least one user in the user file, or the
Editor will not run.
*.ASC/*.ANS - These eight (four *.ASC/four *.ANS) files which you
create yourself, if found in the Telix directory,
will be displayed to the user at certain times as
LOGON.* : This file is displayed when a user first logs on
NEWS.* : This file is displayed after a user has logged on
and they have successfully entered their password
BYEBYE.* : This file is displayed when the user quits the
NEWUSER.* : This file is displayed to all new users.
IMPORTANT!: The input buffer for these files is set at the level
of 255 characters per line. If your files have more
characters per line they will NOT be sent correctly!
NOTE: For some reason I have been having some problems with some
ANSI graphics screens. I'm not sure exactly why, but it
occurs mostly when typing a large animated ANSI picture, I
hope to have this fixed by the next version. Try different
line sizes if you have problems (best way is NOT using any
HSHELL.BAT - This batch file if found in the Telix directory will
be run when a online user does a shell to DOS. It
will override ALL other shell options. The order in
which the shell options take precedence is:
DOORWAY.EXE - This program if found in the Telix directory and
the previous shell option has failed will be run as
a shell to DOS for the online user. It will allow
the user to run MOST major programs online if the
user has a Communications program which can support
a Doorway Mode.
GATEWAY2.SYS - If installed and all previous options have failed
GATEWAY2.SYS will be used. To install, add the
following line to your CONFIG.SYS file:
Where (COM PORT) stands for the com port that your
modem is in. For example (the modem is in com 2):
For more information regarding Installation and
more details about GATEWAY2.SYS read the included
Unlike DOORWAY.EXE using GATEWAY2.SYS will NOT let
you run programs that use direct screen writes,
(Most MAJOR programs!) Do *NOT* attempt to run a
program which uses direct screen writes and direct
keyboard scans as it will LOCK your computer up!
BLTS41.DAT - This is a straight ASCII file which you can create,
that contains the information for some bulletins.
(Five bulletins total). Each bulletin takes up one
line in the file. The information for them are in
this format:
DRIVE:\PATH\FILENAME.EXT;Displayed information
Where Drive:\Path\Filename.ext is the EXACT path and
name of the bulletin, and Displayed information is
information displayed to the user, with the two
being separated by a semicolon ';'. For example:
C:\DOS\DOCS\REGISTER.DOC;Info on registering.
Where the document REGISTER.DOC being the file to be
displayed and the user would see the bulletin as:
1 Info on registering.
Data File Compression
This program will allow you to compress the three different data
files. The three being the user data file, the message base data
file and the file base data file. The program may be run either
from within HOST41 (User Compressor, and Pack Base commands in
both Message Base and File Database), or from the DOS Prompt. By
typing H41COMP at the dos prompt you will be shown a listing of
the different commands. Briefly those commands are:
P - Path To Data files: For when you are running the program from
a directory OTHER then the directory the
data files are in. Example usage:
U - Compress User File: This command runs the user compressor it
has one extra optional switch which is:
D:(x) - Days since last call
Where (x) is a number of days allowed for
users to have last connected. If it is
not used the program will default to 30.
M - Compress Message Base: This command runs the message base
compressor. It has two extra optional
K - Kill Private
This switch will delete *ALL* private
mail which has been read.
D:(x) - Days to allow
Where (x) is number of days allowed to
keep old messages. Default setting is
30 days.
F - Compress File Database: This runs the file base compressor it
has three extra optional switches:
D - Sort By Date
This switch will do a sort based upon
the file date as opposed to a normal
alphabetical sort.
R - Reverse Sort
This switch reverses the sort routine
making it sort the greatest (be it in
date or alphabetically) first and the
smallest last (ie files would be Z-A)
K - Kill files not found
This switch causes the program to run
a check on each file to see if it is
actually there. If the file is NOT
found, then it will be removed from
the database.
Converting Previous File Formats
This program will let you convert your user data files from both
HOST3 and HOST31 into the new HOST41 data format. Just place this
program in the same directory as your data file is in and type:
At the DOS prompt. It will then prompt you to choose which data
format you wish to convert FROM. Pick the proper format and it
will then convert it for you. HCONVERT will erase the old data
file and leave you with the new USER41.DAT file. You should keep
a backup of the old data file when running HCONVERT, in the event
that something goes wrong. You might also need to do some minor
editing of the data file in some extreme cases where the old data
file was slightly corrupted.
This program is provided as is, and is to be run at your own
risk. There is NO warranty of any kind or form covering this
program. Exis Inc., Colin Sampaleanu, and the author are not in
any way, or shape, responsible, or liable for any damages of any
kind that may arise from the usage of this program, or that of
any programs, or files associated, or included with it.
TELIX.EXE, SALT, HOST.SLC, HCONFIG.SLC: Copyright 1986,1987,
1988, 1989 by Exis Inc., and Colin Sampaleanu.
Used with permission.
DOORWAY.EXE Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989 by Marshall Dudley.
Used without permission.
There are a few people to who I would like to give special
thanks to, for their help and cooperation in my endeavor to
create this program:
Marvin Blackburn: My *FIRST* registered user and my most
important beta tester, his input and
support have done the most for HOST!
Thank you VERY much Marvin!
Tony Gentile: My friend and C "teacher" who taught me the
basics of the C language, which helped a
GREAT deal when working on this program.
Thanks Tony.
Bill Parfitt: The sysop of dBored (619-748-3644), who not
only gave me a LOT of support, but gave me a
good place to put my program as well, but
also gave me my own conference!
VERY special thanks to you Bill!
And finally,
Colin Sampaleanu:
For the extremely hard work and numerous, uncounted hours
that he has put into creating TELIX, which is the very BEST (in
my opinion) telecommunications program package out there!
Without it this program wouldn't be around.
EXTRA thanks to you Colin!
o Added configurability of BBS sided colors.
o Added support for MNP/High Speed Modems.
o Added small Message Base system.
o Added small File Database system.
o Added Bulletins (up to five)
o Added HotKey's.
o Added more protocols to list (ALL protocols Telix
provides are now usable)
o Wrote External file compressor, allows for faster
file compression as well as sorting of files in the
file database.
o Wrote External User Editor for registered user, has
access to ALL user information and is full screen.
o Wrote External Menu Editor for registered user. It
allows them to change the menus to their liking.
o Changed Menu setup to a tri-menu system.
o Changed Scroll Method to one where Statusline stays
o Completely rewrite code (3 times!), and was able to
fit MORE code into less space, all the new features
were added in only 20k!
o Changed way ANSI is sent, thus providing support for
future user changeable ANSI colors.
o Increased Speed of Operation slightly.
o Fixed bug in HOST31 user defaults.
Now that Colin has increased the size of scripts from 32K to
64K I have some more room to work in (about 13K now). So now I
can add more of my last want list, as well as some new ideas.
Full Screen Message Editor: This will allow the users to
write their messages in a full
screen editor, allowing full
cursor control and more editing
Online Programs: A online sysop definable program section
which will be able to run door programs,
including some SALT door scripts which are
already being written.
BBS List: A full working BBS listing program, where the a
user can add information about other BBS's.
CallBack Door: This is a scripted DOOR which is a CallBack
Verification door. It is already written
and has been beta tested already.
ANSI Configuration: This will allow the user to choose which
ANSI colors they want to have the HOST
use. This is PERSONALIZED and will be
saved as part of the user information.
External Protocols: Will allow the sysop to add some (up to
four), external protocols. (Telix only
only has space for four protocols).
If you have any suggestions or ideas for the next version,
or any problems, or, (God forbid), bugs. You may get a hold of
me at these locations.
BEST WAY!-> dBored of San Diego, (619) 748-3644
(Prodoor Conf. HOST3)
Telix Support BBS, (416) 439-8239
PCRelay, Communications conference
PCRelay, Telix Conference
FIDO Net Telix Conference
Or mail me:
Daniel Horn
2122 West Butler Drive #161
Phoenix, AZ 85021